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1.Sedov A., Ainagulova A. , Temirgaliyeva А. Mathematical model of heat supply of rooms for Automated control systems of energy saving, Atlantic Press,3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2015)
 2.Sedov A., Ainagulova A. , Temirgaliyeva А. Experimental research and methods development of an efficiency estimation of intelligent power management state of the building systems of the real object// International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Number 17 (2015),  pp38085-38089, Research India Publications.

3.Ainagulova A.S., A.E. Temirgaliyeva Development of the functional schemes of automatic climate control system //(c.Astana), scientific journal "Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumylev."

4.Sedov A., Temirgaliyeva А. The use of cad in selecting different engineering acs of buildings and structures under noise conditions and restrictions // International Conference «Global Science and Innovation» Chicago, March 12-13th,2015.

5.  Ainagulova A.S., A.E. Temirgaliyeva Method promising energy-modeling system of automated management processes microclimate indoors // Collection of materials of VI PBMCs, "Scientific Perspectives XXI century. new century: achievements and prospects ".

6.Ainagulova A. , Temirgaliyeva А. Method of optimization of microclimate control system of prospective energy and ecological premises //(c.Astana) X International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists "Science and Education - 2015"

7. Ainagulova А.S., А.Е. Temirgaliyeva The analysis of energy and material flows of microclimate indoors //(c.Astana), scientific journal "Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumylev."

8.Ainagulova А.S., А.Е. Temirgaliyeva Construction of mathematical model of district heating premises equipment - a control object //(c.Kostanay), scientific journal  "Kostanai Social Technical University. Academician Z. Aldamzhar ".

1.Sedov A., Ainagulova A. , Temirgaliyeva А. Mathematical model of heat supply of rooms for Automated control systems of energy saving, Atlantic Press,3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation (ICMRA 2015)
 2.Sedov A., Ainagulova A. , Temirgaliyeva А. Experimental research and methods development of an efficiency estimation of intelligent power management state of the building systems of the real object// International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, Number 17 (2015),  pp38085-38089, Research India Publications.

3.Ainagulova A.S., A.E. Temirgaliyeva Development of the functional schemes of automatic climate control system //(c.Astana), scientific journal "Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumylev."

4.Sedov A., Temirgaliyeva А. The use of cad in selecting different engineering acs of buildings and structures under noise conditions and restrictions // International Conference «Global Science and Innovation» Chicago, March 12-13th,2015.

5.  Ainagulova A.S., A.E. Temirgaliyeva Method promising energy-modeling system of automated management processes microclimate indoors // Collection of materials of VI PBMCs, "Scientific Perspectives XXI century. new century: achievements and prospects ".

6.Ainagulova A. , Temirgaliyeva А. Method of optimization of microclimate control system of prospective energy and ecological premises //(c.Astana) X International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists "Science and Education - 2015"

7. Ainagulova А.S., А.Е. Temirgaliyeva The analysis of energy and material flows of microclimate indoors //(c.Astana), scientific journal "Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumylev."

8.Ainagulova А.S., А.Е. Temirgaliyeva Construction of mathematical model of district heating premises equipment - a control object //(c.Kostanay), scientific journal  "Kostanai Social Technical University. Academician Z. Aldamzhar ".

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